On Track For Records
Hackett Track athletes are already preparing for the spring season by training outside and racing indoors! The start of spring sports is still another two months away, but for many track athletes the season and workouts are already starting. These past couple weeks have been miles after miles and workouts, especially for Marek Butkiewicz.

Marek has been training constantly for the spring track season since the end of cross country. This past weekend he went over to the Lincoln Athletic Building (L.A.B.) in Ypsilanti to race different athletes around the state. Marek ran the mile and 800m with very impressive times of (4:25) for the mile and (2:01) for the 800.
Many other athletes are putting in the work like junior Sean Siems, who is trying to break his own 800m school record again in the upcoming season. Sean has been running but also participates on the ski and swim team this winter.
Junior Leah Smith has also been putting in the work. “I've been running on weekends and getting workouts from others, but I also play basketball and club volleyball so it makes it a little difficult, but I'm excited for outdoor track!”
These athletes have been putting in the work for the offseason and we can't wait to see what they accomplish in the spring.