Little Lives BIG Impact
On January 24th, while hundreds of thousands gather in Washington D.C. to advocate for the unborn, whose voices have been silenced, Hackett students will gather to understand the fragility of life.
This upcoming Wednesday will mark the second annual respect life day hosted at Hackett. Its date comes without surprise, landing on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, deliberately chosen to remember the lives of the unborn. This is an important day as it unites people and calls them to make abortion inconceivable.

In past years, students made the trip to Washington D.C. but due to multiple drawbacks this trip is no longer taken. To make up for this, a symposium takes place. Ms. Gergely has played a pivotal role in organizing the event. When asked about her goal she responded, “The goal behind this is to celebrate the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. To reaffirm our role in the body of Christ, to support this initiative and support the mission of the Church.”
This goal is met by welcoming numerous organizations that represent each age, joy, or tribulation in life. Students will rotate between different stations and view ultrasounds, speak to representatives from St. Vincent De Paul, or work through real life scenarios. The students will be treated with a catered lunch, and the day will wrap up by celebrating the Eucharist. Additionally, Ms. Gergley has organized a surprise speaker, who everyone is eager to see, as only a few members of our community know the identity of this speaker.
It is important to educate students on the celebration of each and every life. After last year's great response, Hackett is excited to make this a lasting tradition.